November 8 is National STEM/STEAM Day, and we’re excited to celebrate! STEM/STEAM day provides an opportunity to focus on helping kids advance in the fields of science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Creating understanding around STEM and STEAM is a big topic of conversation today.
We need to create awareness about a salient contradiction in the world of STEM today; while the need for STEM-oriented jobs is on the rise and the future seems ever dependent on STEM, statistics, however, show that there is a decline in student interest. Even more worrisome is the fact that there are not enough teachers skilled in those subjects.
So to keep STEM on the front-burner is a responsibility that we all have to undertake, and there is no better day to do that than today. Here are ways your kids can celebrate National STEM day:

What STEM/STEAM activities are you doing with your child to celebrate?