You may be one of those parents that want to be more available for their kids but simply have too much on your plate to do that. So, you want to make the most of the little time you can preen out. But, when your kid is STEM-oriented, you particularly need to be able to make that little time count for something. So, you have to be very deliberate and methodical about your approach to their learning. Here is where I come in!⠀
I can show you how to optimize your time with your kid and prep them to take on the world through STEM activities. All you need to do is just contact me through this page. I have also written a simple guide titled “What Can I Be? STEM” Careers A to Z" to teach you all you need to know.⠀
I have many years of experience and have also won several awards as a leading innovator and author in STEM career development in children. You can check out my highlights to learn more about me.⠀
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