Get ready to fuel your curiosity with these exciting engineering projects. These activities will help you explore the principles of engineering through creative and practical experiments.
- Pasta Bridges:
Use uncooked pasta and glue to build a bridge that can hold as much weight as possible. Test its strength by adding weights until it breaks. This activity teaches structural engineering principles and the importance of design.
- DIY Hovercraft:
Create a simple hovercraft using a CD, balloon, and bottle cap. Inflate the balloon and release it to see the hovercraft glide over a smooth surface. This project introduces principles of air pressure and mechanical engineering.
- Electric Motor:
Build a simple electric motor using a battery, wire, and magnets. Experiment with different configurations to see how it affects the motor's speed and efficiency. This activity teaches concepts of electromagnetism and electrical engineering.
- Marble Roller Coaster:
Design and build a marble roller coaster using materials like cardboard, paper tubes, and tape. Experiment with different designs to see how they affect the marble's speed and motion. This project introduces concepts of physics and mechanical engineering.
- DIY Robot Hand:
Construct a simple robot hand using materials like straws, string, and cardboard. Use the strings to move the fingers and pick up small objects. This activity demonstrates principles of robotics and mechanical engineering.
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